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You are here:   OldClasses > 2012 > Cymodoce pelsarti | Amelia Armstrong






Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Life History & Behaviour

Anatomy & Physiology

Evolution & Systematics

Biogeographic Distribution

Conservation & Threats

References & Links


Coral reefs are thought to have the largest marine isopod diversity of any other habitat with a diverse collection of families inhabiting the reef flat and slope areas (Kensley, 1998). 

Collection records indicate a diverse habitat selection by C. pelsarti. Specimens were collected from the reef flat, under rocks, exposed intertidal shore, sandstone rock, coral rubble and on sargassum. Specimens previously collected from Heron Island and the Capricorn region were found on dead coral, coral rubble, algae and rock on the intertidal reef flat (Harrison & Holdich, 1984). This study collected from the Heron Island boat channel on the jetty. The benthos below the jetty consisted of sand, coral rubble, algae covered rocks and live coral. 
 Heron Island jetty from below, showing sandy, rocky and coral rubble benthos. Image courtesy of Arnault Gauthier. 

