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Research Projects
Student Research Projects
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Functional morphology
Environmental impacts
Ama Ravindi Wakwella
Surface water transport into sediment by Amphinomid worms
Amelia Phelan
The short-term effects of estuarine acidification on the algae filtration rate of the Sydney rock oyster (Saccostrea glomerata)
April Dingle
The Effect of Morphology and Predator Presence on Righting Behaviour in Two Species of Echinoidea
Barbara Nuic Vidigal
Tentacle and acontia cnidocysts of the sea anemone Exaiptasia pallida
Brenton John Bodley
The Effect of Temperature on Blood transport channels through the test ofBotrylloides leachii
Caitlin Wall
Algal Blooms and Sponge Filtration; How Increasing Algal Concentration Affects the Filtration Rate ofAmphimedon queenslandica
Chantel Ulani Say
The effect of microplastics on the feeding activity of the ascidian Pyura stolonifera
Cheyenne Mercy Moreau
Effects of Conspecific Competition and Body Size on Pyura Stolonifera Filtration Rate
Clarisse Louvard
Effects of environmental microplastics contamination on the polychaete worm Cirriformia sp. (family Cirratulidae)
Darren de Silva
Feeding selectivity of pipis (Plebidonax deltoids) amongst varying phytoplankton species
Dominic Oberle
Bioremediation of eutrophic estuaries - How salinity effects the algal consumption rate of the Sydney Rock Oyster (Saccostrea glomerata)
Emer Cunningham
A comparative study of the solitary ascidian communities at two distinct marine environments in Southeast Queensland
Hannah Lindstrom
Does Chemical Signaling Play a Role in the Distributions of the Hercules Club Mud Whelk and Yellow-Striped Hermit Crab on the Cleveland Point Mudflat?
Harriet Lawrence
Investigating the regenerative potential of Tharyx sp. (Polychaeta: Cirratulidae)
Harriet Allen
Selectivity in the filter feeding behaviour in Australian feather-duster worms (Family: Sabellidae)
Hisatake Ishida
Investigating the evolution of Shell internalization and Gizzard plate loss in Philine rubrata (Gastropoda:Cephalaspidea) through the integration of Morphological data and Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis based on 16S rRNA gene.
Hisham Shaikh
Exaiptasia pallida (Anthozoa, Cnidaria) controls the proliferation of its symbionts, Symbiodinium spp.
Hoi Iao
Does buoyancy differ between copepod groups? A passive sinking experiment
Jacob Bowtell
Does Size Matter? Epifaunal Host Preference in the Biofouling Ascidian,Styela plicata
Jason Jin Meng Ooi
Hiding behaviour in marine polychaete: The role of body size on the anti-predator behaviour of Branchiomma sp. (Polycheata: Sabellidae)
Jolly Xue Yang
A potential biofilter of microplastics? The effect of microplastics on the feeding behaviour ofBranchiomma sp.
Jorgia Blanks
Colonisation and Competitive Potential of Didemnumon Moreton Bay ARMs Plates
Julia Machado Quintaes Calvet
Diversity of sclerites in the soft coral Cladiella sp.
Juliette Martineau
Primmorph formation and morphology of two niphatid sponges according to dissociated cell concentration
Kate Lant
A comparative analysis of marine invertebrate phyla biodiversity at Dunwich, Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) across three years
Kira Laura De Gunzbourg
Algal feeding preference of the collector urchin (Tripneustes gratilla) and its use as a biological control agent
Liam Cunningham
Effects of copper concentrations on the filtration rate of mussels (Mytilus Galloprovincialis)
Loup Paitard
The use of Katelysia scalarina to assist the filtration of waste solids such as fish food in fish recirculating aquaculture systems
Mahnya Kershaw Wood
Group and individual feeding ability of the Polychaeteworm Eurythoe complanata
Mallory Manon Bovey
Investigations on Eurythoe complanata’s potential as a bioremediator specie for off-shore aquaculture
Margot Tenison Bligh
Selective uptake of algal cells (1-2 µm) or microplastic cells (1 µm) by the Demospongiae Haliclona sp. (OTU QM2474)via spectrophotometry.
Mark Scanlan
The use of Bivalves in Assisting Filtration of Waste Solids within Fish Aquaculture Systems
Max Giaroli
The colonisation and growth of Didmenum spp. on artificial substrate within Moreton Bay
Maximiliaan Koebrugge
Endosymbionts of Pyura praeputialisnear Brisbane, Australia
Morgan Purdy
The Regeneration of the Benthic Ctenophore, Coeloplana agniae.
Natasha Sanders
Managing Toxicity of Oxybenzone on Coral Reefs with Sponges: Is it possible?
Nathalie Weber
Influence Of Light On Cell Reaggregation In Demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica
Nils Jonsson
A Comparison in Clearance Rates Between Microplastics(10µm) and Different Algal Cell Sizes (Nano <2µm, 4-7µm and 7-20µm) by theDemospongiae Amphimedon sp.
Pallavi Singh
Comparison of the abundance and distribution of settled solitary ascidians on ARMS plates deployed in Dunwich and Amity Point, Northstradbroke Island QLD
Rebecca Emmett
Temporal variability of benthic sessile marine communities at Dunwich, North Stradbroke Island. Australia
Robyn Davies
Epifaunal Associations of Pyura praeputialis
Scott Pegg
Comparison of individual and groupbehaviour of varying sizes of the light-blue soldier crabs (Mictyrislongicarpus) in the presence of a predator
Sean Purcell
Palaemon serrifer ingests very few microplastic particles
Taleya Amy Loader
Re-emergence response of fan worms: the effect of differing wavelengths of light on the re-emergence time of Branchiomma sp.
Ting Him Wallace Lo
Trypaea australiensis: larvae inspection and a study on burrowing efficiency on different substrates
Tyen-Yin Lim
The covering behaviour of the sea urchin Salmacis Sphaeroides
Vanessa Clark
The effect of heterotrophically sourced nutrition on the density of zooxanthellae in Aiptasia Pallida (Verrill).
William Holden
Learning in Polychaetes: A study of the Seripulidae Genus
Yat Long Angus Li
Feeding response of Trichomya hirsuta in different algal concentrations: A possible solution to eutrophication
Zack Leo Malcolm McIntyre
Potential Insight into Limiting the Distribution of an Aggressive Invader - The Behavioural Response of Brachiomma sp. to Predatory Cues
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