E. complanata is widely considered as a cosmopolitan species, with exceptionally similar morphological characteristics across its worldwide geographic range. Recent DNA evidence suggests that this global distribution may be attributed to at least three, currently unclassified, species sharing exceptionally similar morphological characteristics (Barosso et al, 2010). Despite this, E. complanata shall be treated as a cosmopolitan species for the purposes of this information page.
Inhabiting the tropical regions of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans and the Red and Mediterranean Sea’s the E. complanata is a commonly found beneath shallow, intertidal boulder and corals. In Australia, this cryptic species is commonly encountered as far south as Sydney, along the countries northern Border to Perth, Western Australia (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The worldwide distribution of the cosmopolitan polychaete, Eurythoe complanata. The Red areas indicate where this species in commonly found, with the orange and yellow areas relatively common and uncommon respectively. |