Physical Description

Dorsal view diagram of the nudibranch Platydoris scabra adapted from Soliman (1978) including size measurements and descriptions of the key body plan features . The observations presented here are supported by previous descriptions by Dorgan et al., (2002), Soliman (1978) and Marshall and Willan (1999).

Platydoris scabra have modified their rhinophores, developing lamellae, to increase the surface area of the rhinophres and enable an efficient detection of chemical signals.
Ventral view diagram of Platydoris scabra adapted from Soliman (1978) including size measurements and key body plan features.
The following resources may be useful for the identification of Platydoris scabra specimens found in the coastal waters surrounding Australia.
Marshall, JG & Willan, RC 1999, Nudibranchs of Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef: A Survey of the Opisthobranchia (Sea Slugs) of Heron and Wistari Reefs, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Coleman, N 2001, 1001 Nudibranchs: Catalogue of the Indo-Pacific Sea Slugs, Neville Coleman's Underwater Geographic Pty Ltd, Springwood, QLD, Australia. |