Figure 5
Scheme of the organization of the nervous system of (a) Barentsiidae (left) and (b) Loxosomatidae Entoprocta (right). Color legend: orange, tentacle cords and nerves; green, laterofrontal nerve; pink, abfrontal nerve; purple, ganglion; light-green, atrial nerve ring of solitary species; light blue, paired oral nerves of solitary species and the first pair of lateral nerves of colial species; dark blue, paired lateral nerves; mint, paired aboral nerves; lightpink, arcuate nerves of colonial species; yellow, stomach nerve of solitary species; red, peripheral calyx nerves; brown, serotonin-like immunoreactive perikarya connected with esophagus. Abbreviations: an, abfrontal tentacle nerve; arc, arcuate nerve of colonial species; g, ganglion; lfn, latero- frontal tentacle nerve; ln, lateral nerve; ln1, first lateral nerve of colonial species; nr, atrial nerve ring of solitary species; on, oral nerve of solitary species; pn, peripheral calyx nerves; pk, serotonin-like immunoreactive perikarya connected with esophagus; stn, stomach nerve of solitary species; tc, tentacle cord; tn, tentacle nerve (from Borisanova et al., 2019)
Figure 5