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Balanoglossus carnosus (Müller in Spengel, 1893)

Acorn worm
Patricia Lobo dos Reis (2014)


Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Body plan features





Life History & Behaviour

Diet and feeding

Reproduction and life cycle

Mechanisms for movement

Respiratory system


Anatomy & Physiology

Evolution & Systematics

Fossil records

Biogeographic Distribution

References & Links

Anatomy & Physiology

Balanoglossus carnosus presents a basal layer,composed by glandular and sensory cells located above muscles of circular andradial types (Mandal, 2012). The longitudinal musclesare located bellow the other two types of muscles cited before (Mandal, 2012).

            It does not have cuticle and there is lack of connectivetissue in the wall of its body (Mandal, 2012).

        The integument is monolayered, multiciliad, granular, and presents a colummarephithelium (Mandal, 2012) (figure 11).

Figure 11 - Epiderm of Enteropneusta (Ferreira, undated)

          The image bellow (figure 12) represents the anterior region of its body and its structures.

Figure 12 - a, Arrow from proboscis-cavity (pc) passing to left of pericardium (per) and out through proboscis pore-canal. b1, arrow from central canal of neurochord (cnc) passed out through anterior neuropore. b2, ditto; through posterior neuropore. c, arrow intended to pass from 1st gill-pouch through collar pore-canal into collar-coelom (cc). cts, posterior limit of collar. dv, dorsal vessel passing into central sinus (bs). ev, efferent vessel passing into ventral vessel (vv). epr, epiphysial tubes. st, stomochord. vs, ventral septum of proboscis. sk, body of nuchal skeleton. m, mouth. th, throat. tb, tongue-bars. tc, trunk coelom (Encyclopaedia Britannica, undated)

The following image shows the location of some organs in different viwes and also some structures (figure 13)

Figure 13 - Location of organs and structures of Enteropneust (Rachel, 2012; Myers, 2006)

