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Calcinus guamensis 
Guam Hermit

Monica Pelcar




Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Life History & Behaviour

Anatomy & Physiology

Evolution & Systematics

Biogeographic Distribution

Conservation & Threats

References & Links

References & Links

Ameyaw-Akumfi, C. 1975 The breeding biology of two sympatric speciesof tropical intertidal hermit crabs, Clibanarius chapini and C. senegalensis. Marine Biology 29, 15-28.

Asakura, A & Tachikawa, H. 2000 A new hermit crab of the genusCalcinus from Micronesia, including new information on C. revi (Decapoda:Anomura: Diogenidae). Journal ofCrustacean Biology, 266-280.

Bertness, MD. 1981 Predation, physical stress, and the organizationof a tropical rocky intertidal hermit crab community. Ecology, 411-425.

Bertness, MD. 1982 Shell utilization, predation pressure, andthermal stress in Panamanian hermit crabs: an interoceanic comparison. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology andEcology 64, 159-187.

Billock, WL. 2008. BehavioralEvidence for" Contextual Decision Hierarchies" in the Hermit Crab,Pagurus Samuelis, ProQuest.

Conover, MR. 1978 The importance of various shell characteristics tothe shell-selection behavior of hermit crabs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 32, 131-142.

Haig, J & McLaughlin, PA. 1984 New Calcinus species (Decapoda:Anomura: Diogenidae) from Hawaii, with a key to the local species. Micronesica 19, 107-121.

Hazlett, BA. 1981 The behavioral ecology of hermit crabs. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics,1-22.

Hoegh-Guldberg, O. 1999 Climate change, coral bleaching and thefuture of the world's coral reefs. Marineand freshwater research 50,839-866.

Hogarth, P, Gherardi, F & McLaughlin, PA. 1998 Hermit crabs(Crustacea Decapoda Anomura) of the Maldives with the description of a newspecies of Catapagurus A. Milne Edwards 1880. Tropical Zoology 11,149-175.

Lancaster, I. 1988 Pagurus bernhardus (L.)–an introduction to thenatural history of hermit crabs. FieldStudies 7, 189-238.

Malay, MCMD & Paulay, G. 2010 Peripatric speciation drivesdiversification and distributional pattern of reef hermit crabs (Decapoda:Diogenidae: Calcinus). Evolution 64, 634-662.

Morgan, G. 1991 A review of the hermit crab genus Calcinus Dana(Crustacea: Decapoda: Diogenidae) from Australia, with two descriptions of twonew species. Invertebrate Systematics5, 869-913.

O'mahoney, PM & Full, RJ. 1984 Respiration of crabs in air andwater. Comparative Biochemistry andPhysiology Part A: Physiology 79,275-282.

Poore, GCB & Museum, V. 2007. Crabs, hermit crabs and allies, Museum Victoria, Melbourne.

Poupin, J, Boyko, CB & Guzmán, GL. 2003 Calcinus hermit crabsfrom Easter Island, with biogeographic considerations (Crustacea: Anomura:Diogenidae). Memoirs of Museum Victoria60, 91-97.

Poupin, J, Dalle, M & Semblat, J. 1996. Crustacea Decapoda of French Polynesia (Astacidea, Palinuridea,Anomura, Brachyura), Smithsonian Inst.

Poupin, J & McLaughlin, PA. 1998 Additional records of Calcinusspecies (Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae) from French Polynesia with descriptionof three new species and a key to Indo-West Pacific species of the genus. Crust. Res 27, 9-27.

Raabe, D, Sachs, C & Romano, P. 2005 The crustacean exoskeletonas an example of a structurally and mechanically graded biologicalnanocomposite material. Acta Materialia53, 4281-4292.

Reese, ES. 1962 Shell selection behaviour of hermit crabs. Animal Behaviour 10, 347-360.

Reese, ES. 1963 The behavioral mechanisms underlying shell selectionby hermit crabs. Behaviour, 78-126.

Roer, R & Dillaman, R. 1984 The structure and calcification ofthe crustacean cuticle. AmericanZoologist 24, 893-909.

Shih, HT& Yu, HP. 1995 New records of calcinus hermit-crabs (decapoda, anomura,diogenidae) from taiwan. ZoologicalStudies 34, 241-247.

