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Calcinus latens
Hidden hermit

Sachiko Suzuki (2013)


Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Symbionts & Parasites

Shell Selection


Life History & Behaviour

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Evolution & Systematics

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References & Links

References & Links

Bach, C.E. & Hazlett, B. A., 2009. Shell shape affects movement patterns and microhabitat distribution in the hermit crabs Calcinus elegans, C. laevimanus and C. latensJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 382(1), pp.27–33.

Baums, I.B., Godwin, L.S., Franklin, E.C, Carlon, D.B. & Toonen,R.J., 2013. Discordant population expansions in four species ofcoral-associated Pacific hermit crabs (Anomura: Diogenidae) linked to habitatavailability resulting from sea-level change. Journal of Biogeography.

Briffa, M. & Elwood, R.W., 2005. Metabolic consequences of shell choice in Pagurus bernhardus: do hermit crabs prefer cryptic or portable shells? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 59(1), pp.143–148.

Calado, R. & Dinis, M.T., 2008. Collection of marine invertebrates for the aquarium trade in European waters: is anyone surveying ?Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 18 (3), pp.335–338.

Calado, R., Narciso, L., Araújo, R. & Lin, J., 2003. Overview of marine ornamental shrimp aquaculture, in Cato, J.C. & Brown, C.L. (eds.),Marine ornamental species: Collection, culture & conservation, pp.221-230.

De la Haye, K.L., Spicer, J.I.,Widdicombe, S. & Briffa, M., 2011. Reduced sea water pH disrupts resource assessment and decision making in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus. Animal Behaviour,82(3), pp.495–501.

Forest, J., Laurent, M. de S., McLaughlin, P.A. & Lemaitre,R., 2000, The marine fauna of New Zealand: Paguridea (Decapoda: Anomura) exclusive of the Lithodidae, NIWA, Wellington.

Gherardi, F. & Nardone, F., 1997. The Question of Coexistence in Hermit Crabs : Population Ecology of a Tropical Intertidal Assemblage. Crustaceana, 70(5), pp.608-629

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 2009. Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2009, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority,Queensland, viewed 3 November 2013, <>

Ismail, T.G.E., 2010. Distribution and shell selection by two hermit crabs in different habitats on Egyptian Red Sea Coast. Acta Oecologica, 36(3), pp.314–324.

Malay, M.C.(M).D. & Paulay, G., 2010. Peripatric speciation drives diversification and distributional pattern of reef hermit crabs (Decapoda: Diogenidae: Calcinus). Evolution, 64(3), pp.634–62.

Mather, P & Bennett, I, 1993. A coral reef handbook: A guide to the geology, flora and fauna of the Great Barrier Reef, Surrey Beatty & Sons, New South Wales.

McDermott, J.J., Williams, J.D. & Boyko, C.B., 2010. The unwanted guests of hermits: A global review of the diversity and natural history of hermit crab parasites. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 394(1-2), pp.2–44.

Ocean Biogeographic Information System, n.d., Distribution Map: Calcinus latens,viewed 3 November 2013, <>

Poore, G.C.B., 2004. MarineDecapod Crustacea of Southern Ausstralia: A guide to identification, CSIROPublishing, Victoria.

Poore, G.C.B., 2007. Crabs,hermit crabs and allies, Museum Victoria, Melbourne.

Reese, E.S., 1968. Annual breeding seasons of three sympatric species of tropical intertidal hermit crabs, with a discussion of factors controlling breeding. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,2(3), pp.308–318.

Ruppert, E.E., Fox, R.S., Barnes,R.D., 2004. InvertebrateZoology, 7th edn, Thomson Brooks/Cole, USA.

Shih, H., 2012. Calcinus latens, viewed 3 November 2013. <>

Shih, H. & Mok, H., 2000. Utilization of shell resources by the hermit crabs Calcinus latens and Calcinus gaimardii at Kenting, southernTaiwan. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 20(4), pp.786–795.

Tudge, C.C., 1995. Hermit crabs of the Great Barrier Reef and coastal Queensland, The University of Queensland and Backhuys Publishers, Brisbane.

Wilson, B., 2002, Ahandbook to Australian seashells on seashores east to west and north to south, New Holland Publishers, Australia.

