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     Idiosepius notoides 
               (Berry, 1921)

                  Southern Pygmy Squid

               Samantha Reynolds (2014)



Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Life History & Behaviour


Predator Avoidance Strategies

Reproduction & Development

Substrate Preference Experiment

Anatomy & Physiology

Nervous System

Sensory Systems

Integumentary System

Buoyancy Control Systems

Other Physiological Systems

Evolution & Systematics

Biogeographic Distribution

Conservation & Threats

References & Links

Conservation & Threats

On the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Idiosepius notoides is classified as ‘Data Deficient’ because of the lack of information about its ecology. Little is known about populations and the trends in their numbers.

I. notoides is typically found in seagrass beds (Zostera spp. and Heterozostera spp.) and according to the IUCN, these species are of ‘Least Concern’ in the geographic range of I. notoides. The IUCN advocates more research into the ecology and life history of this species in order to determine the distribution of populations and their sizes. Monitoring of habitat species is also recommended and the IUCN warns that because I. notoides inhabits shallow coastal waters close to large human population centres, it is vulnerable to anthropogenic influences (Barratt and Allcock 2012).

