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Palythoa caesia (Dana1846)

Sea Mat Anemone

Ka Hei Charlotte Chan (2013)


Fact Sheet



Physical Description




Biogeographical Distribution

Local Distribution & Habitats

Life History & Behaviour

Anatomy & Physiology

External Morphology

Internal Anatomy

Cell Biology

Toxicity (Experiment)


Evolution & Systematics

Conservation & Threats

References & Links

 References & Links 

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Borneman.H.E.,2004, Aquarium Corals: Selection,Husbandry, and Natural History, T.F.H. Publications Inc., Neptune city,USA.

Burnett.J.W, Benzie. H.A.J, Beardmore. A.J, Ryland. S.J., 1994, ‘High geneticvariability and patchiness in a common Great Barrier Reef zoanthid (Palythoacaesia)’, Springer-verlag, Marine Biology 121, 153-160.

Burnett.J.W., 2002, ‘Longitudinal variation in algal symbionts (zooanthellae) from theIndian Ocean zoanthids Palythoa caesia’, Marine ecology progress series 1234,105-109.

Burnett.J.W, Benzie.H.A.J, Beardmore. A.J, Ryland. S.J., 1997, ‘Zoanthids (Anthozoa,Hexacorallia) from the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait, Australia:systematics, evolution and a key to species’, Coral Reefs 16, 55-68.

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Ryland. S.J & Lancaster. E.L., 2004, ‘A review of zoathid nematocyst types and theirpopulation structure’, Hydrobiologia 531/531, 179-187.

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Shiroma. E & Reimer. D.J., 2010, ‘Investigations into Reproductive patterns, ecology,and Morphology in the Zoanthid Genus Palythoa (Cnidaria: Anthozoa:Hexacorallia) in Okinawa, Japan’, Zoological studies, Zoological studies 49(2),182-194.

Sinniger.F, Montoya-Burgos. I.J, Chevaldonne.P, Pawlowski. J., 2005, ‘Phylogeny of theorder Zoatharia (Anthozoa, Hexacorallia) based on the mitochondrial ribosomalgenes’, Marine Biology 147, 1121-1128.

Tanner E.J.,1997, ‘The Effects of Density on the Zoanthid Palythoa caesia’, BritishEcological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology 66(6), 793-810.

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Tubaro.A, Durando.P, Del Favero. G, Ansaldi. F, Icardi.G, Deeds.R.J, Sosa.S., 2011, ‘CaseDefinitions for human poisonings postulated to palytoxins exposure’, Elsevier,Toxicon 57, 478-495.

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