Summary | |
Scylla serrata is a large portunid crab found around the Indo-Pacific. Its common names include the giant mud crab, mangrove crab and in some locations the green mud crab. These crabs are found mainly in the intertidal zones but have been found deeper into the mangrove swamps of some regions (Department of Primary Industry New South Wales, 2010). Scylla serrata’s shell varies from a deep mottled green to very dark brown. It is prized as a highly commercial food source in many countries and for this reason has been a focus in recent years for aquaculture purposing (Shelley & Lovatelli, 2011). A short study was done on the species to observe the effect of weight of the species and it relationship between the size and weight of the claw. The results showed that the roughly crab claws have a continuous growth with body size usually making up 40 to 50% of the total body weight of the individual.
Physical Description | |
Scylla serrata are known as swimmer crabs and are recognized by the back appendages that have been flattened in segmented paddles. The carapace of this crab is smooth and varies from a deep, mottled green to very dark brown (Smithsonian Marine Station, 2007). It diverges from most portunid crabs in the robust nature of its claws as well as having numerous spines on the oral end of it carapace. It is the largest species of the Portunidae, reaching up to sizes of 3 kg with a carapace width of 28 cm. It is more commonly found at 15-20 cm and weighing in around 1 kg.
Figure 1 |
Ecology |
Ecology | |
Scylla serrata are most commonly found with sheltered water in particular, estuaries, tidal flats and mangrove areas. They can tolerate a wide variation of conditions including temperatures between 12-15 degrees Celsius and salinity varying between 2-50 % (Keenan & Blackshaw, 1997). Whilst they can stand these variations, in recent studies it has been shown that their activity and feeding is greatly reduced in temperatures below 20 degrees. They prefer muddy substrates as this is the easiest location for them to burrow during the day before coming out at night to feed (Department of Primary Industry New South Wales, 2010). Their diet mainly consists of barnacles, mollusc and bivalves but being a known an omnivorous scavenger, it is not uncommon to find them consuming plant material, other crabs and dead fish.
Association Ecology | |
Whilst having no obligate associations, Scylla serrata is known to play host to cyprid larvae of stalked barnacles usually belonging to the genus Octolasmis (Ihwan, et al., 2014)(see figure 2). These larvae attach to the gill chamber of the crabs though it is not known to the extent of which the can compromise respiratory system. The larvae of these stalked barnacles are also found on other Portunidae such as blue swimmer crabs. Though their relative affect is not known the relationship between the two may be extremely important in future aquaculture programs.
Figure 2 |
Life History and Behaviour |
General Information | |
The complex life cycle of Scylla serrata can be split in two distinct stages, a dispersing larvae phase, and benthic juveniles and adults. In their larvae form, Scylla serrata are known to be stenohaline, depending on high-salinity conditions to survive (Hill, et al., 1982). The latter stages, their juvenile and adult stages are physiologically well adapted to conditions that typically occur in mangrove habitats including the changing temperatures and salinities.
Reproduction | |
Studies suggest that Scylla serrata become reproductively mature starting at around 9 cm carapace width, often within the first year of life (Robertson and Kruger 1994). Males crabs usually approach females before the reach sexual maturity and will carry the female around till the females moults into a reproductive stage (Hyland, et al., 1984). Once this moulting occurs the male will then initiate copulation delivering non-motile spermatozoa that the females may retain for a number of months to fertilize multiple clutches of eggs of up to 2 million eggs. Females of the species then undertake long movements from brackish inshore waters to waters with oceanic conditions for spawning.
Larval Development | |
The larvae of Scylla serrata hatch in offshore locations where the undergo their developmental stages. The developmental time and survival of larvae is strongly dependant on water temperature and salinity (Smithsonian Marine Station, 2007). The relatively stable conditions of the open ocean compared to the mangroves is the most likely explanation for female mud crabs spawning in this habitat. The development of the larval stages is usually split between 5 distinctive stages but in all cases a reliance on high salinity is need for survival (Alberts-Hubatsch, et al., 2016). It is not until the juvenile stage after larval stage that crabs show preference for habitat nor gain any benefit of different locations. After molting in the first crab stage, the species has the ability to survive in large salinity ranges.
Behaviour: Canibalism | |
Cannibalism is a behaviour very poorly understood about mud crabs. Unlike other crabs, Scylla serrata show no change in their behaviour even around juveniles nor injured members of it population (Wall, et al., 2009). There is a current belief that cannibalism may have a genetic basis and if so may be breed out for aquaculture purposes. However further research is needed to determine if this is possible.
Behaviour: Movement | |
Majority of the time Scylla serrata have been found to be nocturnal. Their movements mainly consisting of moving from the mangroves during the day, to the reef flats and seagrass beds at night to feed. Combine their nightly activity, with their choice to burrow in sediment and as well at time expose themselves to the open air, these crabs minimise build-up of epibionts on their carapace. The crabs undergo only small migrations within their environment (Hyland, et al., 1984). Only when females are about to release their eggs is there any form of large migration with the species leaving to the open ocean (Alberts-Hubatsch, et al., 2016). As stated earlier during this time the larvae will remain out in the open ocean in a planktotrophic state before returning to the coastline in search of mud substrates once at their first crab stage.
Anatomy and Physiology |
External Anatomy | |
Scylla serrata have two eyes on stalks, much like most crustaceans, at the oral end of it carapace as well as two pairs of antennae. The mouth of Scylla serrata is covered by six layers of paired appendages with the out fish used to locate and catch food items. It is from the exterior that the sexual dimorphism is easily seen in this species with the males be much larger then female counterpart (Department of Primary Industry New South Wales, 2010). The male of the species on their ventral side, have a triangular abdominal flap under which they have a pair of large tubular pleopods used for copulation. This species also has in its possession some of the strongest claws of the Portunidae (Department of Primary Industry New South Wales, 2010). The claws, which are highly prized for their meat content, are what allow this organism the ability to capture and eat larger food items.
Figure 3 |
Figure 4 |
Claw Size | |
As commercial fisheries now look at aqua
culturing as a possible future. Research into the possible meat yield of crabs
become more and more important. Crabs are usually harvested once large enough
to have undergone at least one mating season. At harvest, the crabs can be in a
large range of weights, approximately 800 grams to 2-3kg (Keenan &
Blackshaw, 1997).
Therefore, for a species, like Scylla serrata, which are highly prized for the
meat in their claw, it becomes paramount to know the relationship between
weight of the crab and the yield or weight of the claw. In the same thought
process, the relationship between the size of the crab’s claw in width and the
weight of the crabs claw also becomes an important detail in deciding whether a
crab claw would contain sufficient meat.
Crabs were collected from Moreton Bay, Queensland
using standard crab pots with fish as bait. The crabs were then assessed to
determine sex and if female were released back into the water. 20 males were
then weighed using a standard scale, claws were weighed in a similar manner
with the claw placed as dead weight on scale and then were measured using a
ruler to determine width at longest part of the claw (See figure 6). The data
was then analysed using linear regression techniques
The results showed that as weight increased so did
weight of the claw (P>0.05) as can be seen in figure 7. The claw weighed in
a range of 40 to 50% the body weight of the crab. The crabs weight had a
significant effect on the claw size with heavier crabs having larger claws
(p>0.05) as can be seen in figure 5.
The claw size and weight were both affected by
the weight of the crab. The relationship seems to be linear at the larger sizes
indicating that the continuous growth of the crab may leads to both larger
claws and weight. This may continue till the crab reaches a large size and may
be more commercial valuable to those wishing to use these crabs for aquaculture
purposing (Shelley & Lovatelli, 2011). In a similar study,
the weight of the claw seemed to be related to weight of the animal in an
exponential growth. Further study is need to analyse the trend to test for
individuals of smaller and larger size.
Figure 5 |
Figure 6 |
Figure 7 |
Digestive system | |
The digestive tract of Scylla
serrata is the same as any other member of the crustaceans. It is divided
into three parts; foregut, midgut and hindgut. The foregut comprises of the
mouth oesophagus and stomach. The midgut is known to be a tube with anterior
and posterior caecum and midgut gland known as a hepatopancreas (Mantel, 1983). The hindgut from
the is a simple straight tube that finishes at the anus.
Figure 8 |
Circulatory System | |
Scylla serrata’s circulatory
system has always been classed as an
open system like other crustaceans, but some suspect that the circulatory
system of many crustaceans may be more complex than previously thought (McGaw, 2005). Like all decapods
the heart of crab is single chambered with several arteries leaving it, these
arteries feed throughout body of the crab the demand for oxygen (McGaw &
Reiber, 2002).
The heart is located on the dorsal side toward the posterior of the crab and is
feed by a series of ostia. Out of the several arteries that leave the heart,
only one artery, known as the descending artery, feeds the appendages. The rest
spread out to other important feature of the crab such as the nerve cord and digestive tract.
Nervous system | |
The central nervous system is composed of a dorsal brain
connect to a ventral nerve cord. This brain can be divided in three region
known as the tritocerebrum, deuterocerebrum and protocerebrum. The ventral
nerve cord is unlike other decapods as the subesophageal, thoraic and abdominal
ganglia seem to be fused (Mantel, 1983). This may be due to
the reduction of the abdominal segment as well as tail that all but
non-existent in the crabs.
Respiratory System | |
Gas exchange in Scylla
serrata, like in other crustaceans, occurs across the surfaces of gills which
are found in branchial chamber on the dorsal side of the body. Scaphognathites pump
seawater into and through the chamber (Keenan & Blackshaw, 1997). Seawater enters the
chamber at the posterior end and over each of the walking legs. A series of bristles can be seen hanging down
from the lower edge of the carapace to stop entry of unwanted organisms and for
screening out particulate matter. On the interior these crabs have gills on
both sides with epipods of the first maxilliped being specialised as gill
cleaner for the crabs. These feature can be seen below in figure 9.
Figure 9 |
Biogeographic Distribution | |
Scylla serrata's range exists over the majority of the Indo-Pacific but is restricted mainly to the coastal regions as can be seen below in figure 1. The crabs exist down into southern New South Wales in Australia around to Broome in Western Australia. The are found throughout the Indonesian islands across to China, Japan, India and around to north of South Africa. The species may also be found in sustainable population around Hawaii but is not native to the location.
Figure 10 |
Evolution and Systematics |
Classification | |
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Crustacea
Class Malacostraca
Subclass Eucarida
Order Decapoda
Suborder Reptantia
Infraorder Brachyura
Family Portunidae
Genus Scylla
Species serrata
Phylogeny | |
Scylla serrata is
situated within the genus Scylla which has four representatives. The three
other being located in similar locations are as follow Scylla olivacea, Scylla paramamosain and Scylla tranquebarica see
figure 1. These species belong to the family Portunidae, also known as the
swimming crabs all of which belong to the order decapoda (Karasawa
& Schweitzer, 2006).
Conservation and Threats | |
Scylla serrata are
under no threat of extinction like many other animals and the only potential
towards their survival is overfishing. Scylla
serrata are highly prized for their meat yields, even with this being the
case the species enjoys a reprieve in overfishing of it wild stock. Thanks
mainly to their large distribution and ability to live in a number of
conditions around the indo-pacific region the crabs are highly prized
aquaculture species. Those caught in the wild are protected by numerous laws which
are common-place among countries that intentionally harvest these organisms.
For example, in Queensland Australia, a maximum yield of ten individuals, over
15 cm width of the carapace and only males are allowed to be harvested in the
wild (Keenan & Blackshaw, 1997). This is common
practice among all countries that eat this species and allows for sustainable
In turn though, this species could be a detriment to species
around it. A number of the species have been released in countries where they
had never existed before in an attempt to create commercial and recreational
crab fishing hotspots. Scylla serrata were intentionally introduced to Hawaii
between 1926 and 1935, with established populations then resulting observed in
1940 (Edmondson and Wilson 1940). Established populations now reportedly occur
off of Maui, Hawaii, and Kauai (Eldredge and Smith 2001). In 1962,
approximately 30 pairs of Scylla serrata were intentionally released into the
Gulf coast of Florida in an effort to establish a commercial crab fishery (Smithsonian
Marine Station, 2007). This introduction however failed to
lead to an established population and the present status of the species in
Florida is currently unknown. No negative large-scale economic impacts have
been reported however nor has any significant sign of decline between native
species be observed.
References | |
Alberts-Hubatsch, H. et al., 2016. Life-history, movement, and habitat use of Scylla serrata (Decapoda, Portunidae): current knowledge and future challenges. Hydrobiologia, 763(1), pp. 5-21.
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