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Thalia democratica


Brook Anderson (2013)     


Fact Sheet



Physical Description

Sexual Form

Asexual Form


Biogeographical Location

Feeding Ecology

Life History & Behaviour

Asexual Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction

Anatomy & Physiology

Sensory System

Muscular System

Feeding Structures and Function

Evolution & Systematics

Conservation & Threats

References & Links


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Tew, K. S. & Lo,W.-T. 2005. Distribution of Thaliacea in SW Taiwan coastal water in 1997, withspecial reference to Doliolum denticulatum, Thalia democratica and T.orientalis. Marine Ecology ProgressSeries, 292, 181-193.

Vargas, C. A. &Madin, L. P. 2004. Zooplankton feeding ecology: clearance and ingestion ratesof the salps Thalia democratica, Cyclosalpa affinis and Salpa cylindrica onnaturally occurring particles in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Journal of Plankton Research, 26, 827-833.

