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Trochus stellatus (Gmelin, 1791)


Patricia Galvao Santos Reis (2013)



Fact Sheet



Physical Description



Life History, Anatomy & Physiology

Evolution & Systematics

Biogeographic Distribution

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References & Links


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Donald, K. M., Kennedy, M. and Spencer, H. G. (2005).Cladogenesis as the Result of Long-Distance Rafting Events in South Pacific Topshells (Gastropoda, Trochidae). Evolution 59(8), 1701-1711.

Gray,J.S., Aschan, M., Carr, M.R., Clarke, K.R., Green, R.H., Pearson, T. H., Rosenberg, R., and Arwick, R.M. (1988). Analysis of community attributes of the benthic macrofauna of Frierfjord- Angesundjord and in a Mesocosm Experiment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 46(1-3), 151-165.

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Miloslavich, P., Cruz-Motta, J. J., Klein, E., Iken, K., Weinberger, V., Konar, B., Trott,T., Pohle, G., Bigatti, G., Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Shirayama, Y., Mead, A., Palomo, G., Ortiz, M., Gobin, J., Sardi, A., Dı´az, J. M., Knowlton, A., Wong, M., Peralta, A. C. (2013). Large-Scale Spatial Distribution Patterns of Gastropod Assemblages in Rocky Shores. PLoS One 8(8), e71396.

Rahman, S. and Barkati, S. (2004). Development of Abundance– Biomass Curves Indicating Pollution and Disturbance in Molluscan Communities on Four Beaches Near Karachi, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 36(2),111-123.

Ruppert, E. E., Fox, R. S. and Barnes, R. D. (2004). InvertebrateZoology: A functional evolutionary approach. Seveth Edition, 300-338.


