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                                   Turbo undulatus

Wavy Turban

Feng Yi Tham (2013)

Fact Sheet




Comprehensive Description

Physical description




Biogeographical Distribution

Interaction (experiment)

Local Distribution and Habitat

Movement and locomotion (Experiment)

Life History



Anatomy and Physiology

External anatomy

Internal anatomy

Functional biology

Nervous system

Evolution & Systematics

Fossil history




References & Links

Names and Taxanomy


Related names

Common names


External anatomy of Turbo undulatus, adapted from Stachowitsch, M., 1992. The invertebrates An Illustrated Glossary New York, New York : Wiley-Liss

Aperture is an opening of the shell through ehch the head and foot may be protruded. It is chaacterized by outer and inner lips and may be closed by means of operculum. 

Apex is the part of shell that was formed first; typcally pointed, consisting of protoconch and smallest whorls of spire

Suture is in the shell and is a border between adjoining whorls, typcally in the form of a line coiling around the shell. 

Parietal lip is on parietal part of the shell and is part of the inner lip not consisting of columellar material. May be termed parietal callus if highly thickened. 

Collumellar lip is in the shell, and is part of the inner lip formed by terminal section of columella or consisting of thickened columella material encroaching onto body whorl. 

Columella fold is in the shell and consists of one or more parallel elevated ridges winding around columella, typically visible as folds or teeth. 

Shells are made of calcium carbonaet secreted by the mantle of the aminal. Their shells are coiled in a counter clockwise or right hand direction (the spire pointed away from an observer). 

Many species have an operculum, or trap door, which helps to seal the entrance of the shell when the animal draws inside. 

Siphon canal is in the shell, it is anteriorly directed and tubular. It is also an extension of the aperture. It serves as the groove for protruded siphon. 

The foot is large and fleshy which is used for locomotion over a variety of substrates. Mucus secreted at the foot helps the animal glide over the substrate. 
Radula - file structure used to rasp or cut algae from rocks. 

The above information was retrieved from Stachowitsch, M., 1992. The invertebrates An Illustrated Glossary New York, New York : Wiley-Liss

