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Student Project Figures

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Figure 3
Figure 16: 1. Settled Larva: Tadpole larva attaches to substrate using adhesive papillae, Notochord, hollow dorsal nerve cord and post-anal tail attached to posterior, buccual and atrial siphons are blocked and statocyst and ocelli are intact. Pharynx (pharyngeal slits) is small. 2. Intermediate: Notochord, hollow dorsal nerve cord and post-anal tail are degraded, siphons migrate to the now dorsal side of the animal. Pharynx enlarges and amplullae spread. Ocelli and statocyst are absent. 3. Juvenile zooid: Siphons open, pharynx enlarges further to form a branchial basket (see Anatomy and Physiology), heart migrates to the basal area, and adult neural gland and cerebral ganglion are present. Hollow dorsal nerve cord and Notochord are absent. Black arrows indicate the direction of water current generated by cillia in the pharynx. Adapted from Ruppert, et al, 2004.
Figure 3