1. Anderson D. 1977. “The embryonic and larval development of the turbellarian Notoplana australis (Schmarda, 1859) (Polycladida: Leptoplanidae)”. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, vol 28, pp 303-310
2. Forward R. Costlow J. 1974. “The ontogeny of phototaxis by larvae of the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii”. Marine Biology, vol 26, pp 27-33
3. Koopowitz H. 1973. “Primitive nervous systems. A sensory nerve-net in the polyclad flatworm Notoplana acticola”. The Biological Bulletin, vol 145, pp 352-359
4. Mogami Y. Oobayashi C. Yamaguchi T. Ogiso Y. Baba S. 1988. “Negative geotaxis in sea urchin larvae: a possible role of mechanoreception in the late stages of development”. Journal of Experimental Biology, vol 137, pp 141-156
5. Morris R. Abbott D. Haderlie E. 1980. “Intertidal invertebrates of California”. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press
6. Newman L. Cannon L. 2003. “Marine Flatworms: The world of polyclads”. Collingwood, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing
7. Ruppert E. Fox R. Barnes R. 2004. “Invertebrate Zoology: A functional evolutionary approach (7th Edition)” . Belmont, California: Brooks/Cole – Thomson Learning
Further Reading
Hyman L. 1959. “Some Australian polyclads (Turbellaria)”. Records of the Australian Museum, vol 25, pp 1-17
Lanfranchi A. Bedini C. Ferrero E. 1981. “The ultrastructure of the eyes in larval and adult polyclads (Tubellaria)”. Hyrdobiologia, vol 84, pp 267-275
Newman L. Cannon L. 2005. “Fabulous flatworms: a guide to marine polyclads”. Collingwood, Victoria: CSIRO publishing