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Amphimedon queenslandica 

 Hooper and Van Soest  2006

Melissa Kelly (2011) 



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Local Distribution and Habitats

A. queenslandica has been observed to be reasonable common on coral reefs of the Southern GBR. As all amphimedon species are predominantly found in shallow water (Leys & Degnan 2001), live on the shallow subtidal reef flat and crest. Distribution is generally patchy, with adults generally found in areas of low water flow. This is a cryptic species as it can be observed under boulders, in crevaces, among coral rubble, in sandy patches and can occasionally on hard algal pavement (Degnan et al. 2010). 

On Shark bay where the sponge was first observed and described A. Queenslandica can be observed on the west side of the Island known as Shark Bay (own observations). Specimens have been mostly seen, as in the southern GBR,  in micro – habitats under boulders and crevices, sides and tops of rubble, in sandy patches surrounded by coral rubble, dominated by algae (Hooper & Van Soest 2006)

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(Google Maps)

On One tree island , where the sponge was also first described,   sponges have been observed on the northern and eastern crests in the shallow subtidal reef flat and intertidal reef crest.  On the Northern crest the habitat is mostly sandy with patches of coral rubble. specimens have been seen on large pieces of coral rubble in shallow water or on the hard algal pavement. On the eastern crest specimens have been seen on coral rubble plates on a hard algal pavement that becomes completely drained of water at low tide (Hooper & Van Soest).

one tree island.jpg
(Google Maps)

