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You are here:   Habitats > Reef slope


Species from the Reef slope at Heron Island:
Yellow Mesh Star
Nardoa novaecaledoniae
Yellow Mesh Star
Abbie Taylor
Red-throated Ascidian
Herdmania momus
Red-throated Ascidian
Alyssa Budd
Small Giant Clam
Tridacna maxima
Small Giant Clam
Boris Laffineur
Tiger Cowry
Cypraea tigris
Tiger Cowry
Chantelle Reid
Christmas Tree Worm
Spirobranchus giganteus
Christmas Tree Worm
Christopher De Martini
Star Ascidian
Botryllus schlosseri
Star Ascidian
Dylan Moffitt
Pincushion Seastar
Culcita novaeguineae
Pincushion Seastar
Emily Searle
Trochus niloticus
Emily Smith
Lacy Tubeworm
Filograna implexa
Lacy Tubeworm
Emma Blacklock
Spider Conch
Lambis lambis
Spider Conch
Jarrad Oxley
Scaley Turban
Turbo perspeciosus
Scaley Turban
Kirsten Lenske
Gold Ring Cowry
Cypraea annulus
Gold Ring Cowry
Lauren Hughes
Banded Cleaner Shrimp
Stenopus hispidus
Banded Cleaner Shrimp
Remi Anfosso
Fushsia Flatworm
Pseudoceros ferrugineus
Fushsia Flatworm
Ronan Lynch
Flexible Chiton
Cryptoplax larvaeformis
Flexible Chiton
Samantha Oliver
Gomophia watsoni
Watson's Seastar
Shan Marshall
Painted Slug
Thuridilla bayeri
Painted Slug
Sirada Oratanachai
Elephant Slug
Scutus antipodes
Elephant Slug
Zachary O'Leary
Finger Coral
Montipora digitata
Finger Coral
Alexandra Nissen
Hood coral
Stylophora pistillata
Hood coral
Alexandria Coughlan
Yellow sea squirt
Phallusia julinea
Yellow sea squirt
Arnault Gauthier
Eroded Cowry
Erosria erosa
Eroded Cowry
Bartholomew Woodham
Common Mushroom Coral
Fungia fungites
Common Mushroom Coral
Benjamin Murphy

Turbellaria (within lobster)

Brandon Meteyard
Pseudoceros prudhoei
Carolina Del Lama Marques
Tropical Spiny Rock Lobster
Panulirus ornatus
Tropical Spiny Rock Lobster
Conor Rath
Luzon Seastar
Echinaster luzonicus
Luzon Seastar
Ellen Jackson

Ophioplocus imbricatus

Emma Ceccato
?Sea squirt
Ascidia glabra
?Sea squirt
Emmanuelle Zoccola

Pyura sp.

Gillian Backhouse
Green Crinoid
Comanthus gisieni
Green Crinoid
Grace Stanton
Organ-Pipe Coral
Tubipora musica
Organ-Pipe Coral
Helena Soares Barros De Oliveira
Burrowing urchin
Echinometra mathaei
Burrowing urchin
Jake Horton
Blue Coral Crab
Trapezia cymodoce
Blue Coral Crab
Jonathon Schwartz

Cypraea (Erronea) xanthodon

Matthew Schmidt
Hump Coral
Porites densa
Hump Coral
Mikhaila Robertson

Myzostoma sp.

Samantha Eady
Benthic ctenophore
Coeloplana agniae
Benthic ctenophore
Sara Guillouzouic
Green Brittle Star
Ophiarachna incrassata
Green Brittle Star
Shannon Duffy
Red Feather Star
Alloeocomatella pectinifera
Red Feather Star
Shuting Jin

Platydoris scabra

Tahsha Say
Black long-spined sea urchin
Diadema savignyl
Black long-spined sea urchin
Tessa Jones
Botryllus leachi
Leach's Sea Daisy
Ying Ying Chia
Multi-pore Sea Star
Linckia multiflora
Multi-pore Sea Star
Zara King
White-spotted Hermit Crab
Dardanus megistos
White-spotted Hermit Crab
Storm Martin
Wavy Turban
Turbo undulatus
Wavy Turban
Feng Yi Tham
Sea mat Anemone
Palythoa caesia
Sea mat Anemone
Ka Hei Charlotte Chan
Ridged Sponge Crab
Stimdromia lateralis
Ridged Sponge Crab
Cherie Chan
Thalia Democratica
Brook Anderson
Pontiniine Shrimp of the Black Lipped Pearl Oyster
Conchodytes biunguiculatus
Pontiniine Shrimp of the Black Lipped Pearl Oyster
Alistair Lavers
Milk Spot Cowrie
Lyncina vitellus
Milk Spot Cowrie
Chelsea Waters
Pacific Star Tunicate
Botryllus tuberatus
Pacific Star Tunicate
Adeline Ang
Order Leptothecata
Kirchenpaueria spp
Order Leptothecata
Anjali Rangnekar

Euphausia recurva

Shane Ovington
Maria Russo Mafra Machado
Collector Urchin
Tripneustes gratilla
Collector Urchin
Stephanie Lyon
dark blue sponge
Niphites sp.
dark blue sponge
Nicholas Holz
Spaghetti worm
Loimia medusa
Spaghetti worm
John McLaughlin
Spider crab, Decorator crab
Menaethius monoceros
Spider crab, Decorator crab
Chi Chiu Lo
Honeycomb Coral
Favia sp.
Honeycomb Coral
Thiago Fiuza
Black Featherstar
Cenolia glebosus
Black Featherstar
Sophie Horsfall
Flowerpot coral
Alveopora sp.
Flowerpot coral
Taylah Bruce
Fan worm
Branchiomma galei
Fan worm
Thea Bradford

Metandrocarpa manina

Maria Mahon
Strigose Stomatella
Stomatella Impertusa
Strigose Stomatella
Isabella Doohan

Cypraea (Purpuradusta) gracilis

Viveca Lim
Three-lined Pectenodoris
Pectenodoris trilineata
Three-lined Pectenodoris
Mizuki Uemura
Walking sponge
Tethya sp.
Walking sponge
Billie Star
Eastern Slate Pencil Urchin
Phyllacanthus parvispinus
Eastern Slate Pencil Urchin
Hannah McQuitty
Sea Swallow
Sea Swallow
Samantha Smith
Moon Jellyfish
Aurelia aurita
Moon Jellyfish
Keeley Madden
Green terebellida
Loimia sp.
Green terebellida
Renato Von Glehn Paes

Typosyllis sp.

Samantha Kacin
Gammarus Shrimp
Gammarus sp.
Gammarus Shrimp
Sailoto Liveti
Ribbon worm
Lineus spp.
Ribbon worm
Alexander Archibald-Binge
Green Sea Urchin
Salmacis sphaeroides
Green Sea Urchin
Dale Mullin
Sea Squirt
Cystodytes dellachiajei
Sea Squirt
Isabel Manfield

Gastrochaena cuneiformis

Yazmin Stemp Yacoubi

Mycale (Arenochalina) mirabilis

Weili Chan

Aplidium sp.

Chloe Jayakody
Purple-speckled Nudibranch
Hypselodoris maculosa
Purple-speckled Nudibranch
Martin Anfosso
Barrel Sponge
Xestospongia bergquistia
Barrel Sponge
Enrico Bazzicalupo

O: Prolecithophora

Taylah Gerloff

Aquilonastra doranae

Pauline Corstiana Roos
Parchment Worm
Phyllochaetopterus cf. verrilli
Parchment Worm
Kita Marie Williams
Haliclona Gellius
Olivia Hannah Hewitt
Common Ear Shell or Variable Abalone
Haliotis varia
Common Ear Shell or Variable Abalone
Erin Jane Watson
Galaxy coral
Galaxea fascicularis
Galaxy coral
Courtney Brooke Davies
Lobed Brain Coral
Lobophyllia pachysepta
Lobed Brain Coral
Emma Phillips

Geodia globostellifera

Jenny Shiau
Star Polyps
Clavularia sp.
Star Polyps
Adam James Garthwaite
Feather Star
Capillaster Multiradiatus
Feather Star
Sarah Anne McCulloch

Ascidia sydneiensis

Callum Mulvey
Hammer coral
Euphyllia ancora
Hammer coral
Hanna Wood
Snapping Shrimp
Snapping Shrimp
Gianlucca Brozler

Leucetta sp.

Kathryn Van Artsdalen

Lamellaria perspicua

Natasha Tay
the little brittle star
Ophiactis savignyi
the little brittle star
Kelsie Youman
Sea spider
Genus Anoplodactylus
Sea spider
Tye Wat Ong


Clement Mottier

Genus Botrylloides

Ilha Byrne
(with a focus on social ascidians)
Colonial Ascidians
(with a focus on social ascidians)
Tallulah Southby Osborne
Clathrina spp.
Ronan Hill

Genus Syllis

Sophie Grieve

Suborder Bursalia

Adrienne Soteriou

Reef slope


The reef slope is the subtidal portion of the reef, extending from the reef crest or platform to the inter-reefal floor, which around Heron ranges from 10-25m. The reef slope varies depending on location but is typified by dense coral growth and diversity. In places, the reef is gently sloping, with branching and massive corals dominating. In other areas, the slope forms a steeper spur-and-groove structure that is typified by plate and massive corals. The under-surfaces of coral in the shallow part of the slope (less than 8m) are often populated by the same range of cryptic sessiles that are found on the reef flat and crest (i.e. ascidians, sponges and bryozoans). In the deeper part of the slope the species assemblages tend to change.

Reef slope. Photo by Boris Laffiner.