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You are here:   Habitats > Subtropical coast


Species from the Subtropical Coast at Heron Island:
Hercules Mud Whelk
Pyrazus ebeninus
Hercules Mud Whelk
Alexandra Russell
Blue Striped Hermit Crab
Clibanarius longitarus
Blue Striped Hermit Crab
Lisa Walton
Hermit Crab Anemone
Calliactis polypus
Hermit Crab Anemone
Tara Gatehouse
Pacific Star Tunicate
Botryllus tuberatus
Pacific Star Tunicate
Adeline Ang
Black Nudibranch
Dendrodoris nigra
Black Nudibranch
Elsie-Mary Felix
Alexanders Sea Urchin
Temnopleurus alexandri
Alexanders Sea Urchin
Monique Parisi
Floral egg crab, Shawl crab
Atergatis floridus
Floral egg crab, Shawl crab
Takuhiro Yamada
Order Leptothecata
Kirchenpaueria spp
Order Leptothecata
Anjali Rangnekar

Euphausia recurva

Shane Ovington
Maria Russo Mafra Machado
Collector Urchin
Tripneustes gratilla
Collector Urchin
Stephanie Lyon
Mulberry Whelk
Morula marginalba (Blainville, 1832)
Mulberry Whelk
Felicia Manning
Cypraea caputserpentis
serpent's head cowrie
Shun Wong
Black Featherstar
Cenolia glebosus
Black Featherstar
Sophie Horsfall
Southern Pygmy Squid
Idiosepius notoides
Southern Pygmy Squid
Samantha Reynolds
Fan worm
Branchiomma galei
Fan worm
Thea Bradford
Holothuria scabra
Madison Loos
By-the-wind sailor
Velella velella
By-the-wind sailor
Jessica Nelms
Strigose Stomatella
Stomatella Impertusa
Strigose Stomatella
Isabella Doohan

Cypraea (Purpuradusta) gracilis

Viveca Lim
Gold-mouthed Periwinkle or Gold mouthed Conniwink
Bembicium auratum
Gold-mouthed Periwinkle or Gold mouthed Conniwink
Samantha Kingston
Walking sponge
Tethya sp.
Walking sponge
Billie Star
Green Paddle Worm
Phyllodoce novahollandiae (Kinberg, 1866)
Green Paddle Worm
Charlotte Dudal
Sea Swallow
Sea Swallow
Samantha Smith
Thin periwinkle
Littoraria filosa
Thin periwinkle
Gustavo Zoppello Toffoli
Australian Ghost Shrimp (Yabby)
Trypaea australiensis
Australian Ghost Shrimp (Yabby)
Lucas Sumpter
Two-toned fiddler crab (also, Southern calling fiddler crab)
Uca vomeris
Two-toned fiddler crab (also, Southern calling fiddler crab)
Sebastian Tornes Brekke
Glass Anemone
Aiptasia pulchella
Glass Anemone
Tessa Derkley
Yellow Striped Hermit Crab
Clibanarius taeniatus
Yellow Striped Hermit Crab
Candice Selmanovic
Mud Crab
Scylla serratta
Mud Crab
Luke Dalton
Slimy beachworm
Australonuphis parateres
Slimy beachworm
Fiona Ryan

Typosyllis sp.

Samantha Kacin
Gammarus Shrimp
Gammarus sp.
Gammarus Shrimp
Sailoto Liveti
Ribbon worm
Lineus spp.
Ribbon worm
Alexander Archibald-Binge
Mysid shrimp
Australomysis sp.
Mysid shrimp
Perry Bennion
Strawberry Heart Cockle
Fragum unedo
Strawberry Heart Cockle
Zaine Morrick
Green Sea Urchin
Salmacis sphaeroides
Green Sea Urchin
Dale Mullin

Gastrochaena cuneiformis

Yazmin Stemp Yacoubi

Mycale (Arenochalina) mirabilis

Weili Chan

Aplidium sp.

Chloe Jayakody
Purple-speckled Nudibranch
Hypselodoris maculosa
Purple-speckled Nudibranch
Martin Anfosso

O: Prolecithophora

Taylah Gerloff
Styelidae Ascidian
Symplegma brakenhielmi
Styelidae Ascidian
Melissa Nancy Staines
Marine Isopod
Paracerceis sculpta
Marine Isopod
Yue Hu
Sand tube worm
Idanthyrsus australiensis
Sand tube worm
Lillian Grace Cottrell
Common Ear Shell or Variable Abalone
Haliotis varia
Common Ear Shell or Variable Abalone
Erin Jane Watson
Pyura stolonifera
Candida Wong
Galaxy coral
Galaxea fascicularis
Galaxy coral
Courtney Brooke Davies
Elegant Squat Lobster
Allogalathea elegans
Elegant Squat Lobster
Michael John Thompson
Dulichiella pacifica
Dulichiella pacifica
Dulichiella pacifica
Sarah Jasmine Breeze
Feather Star
Capillaster Multiradiatus
Feather Star
Sarah Anne McCulloch
Rambutan sponge
Tethya robusta
Rambutan sponge
Fiona Naja Hoegh-Guldberg

Ascidia sydneiensis

Callum Mulvey
Pleated sea squirt
Styela plicata
Pleated sea squirt
SzeWen Chan

Zafra sp. (Adams, 1860)

Zebilon Kamen
Blue bottle
Physalia utriculus
Blue bottle
Daniel Jaramillo
Australian Paste Shrimp
Acetes sibogae australis
Australian Paste Shrimp
Morgan Ishizaka
Blotched nerite
Nerita albicilla
Blotched nerite
Katrina Marchant
the little brittle star
Ophiactis savignyi
the little brittle star
Kelsie Youman
Sea spider
Genus Anoplodactylus
Sea spider
Tye Wat Ong


Clement Mottier
Nembrotha spp.
Genus Nembrotha
Nembrotha spp.
Arturo Vilar Gomez

Sacculina granifera

Hugh Ciereszko
Irukandji Jellyfish
Carukia barnesi
Irukandji Jellyfish
Chloe Jia Ye Oon
(with a focus on social ascidians)
Colonial Ascidians
(with a focus on social ascidians)
Tallulah Southby Osborne
Blue-Lined Octopus
Hapalochlaena fasciata
Blue-Lined Octopus
Matthew Taylor

Genus Syllis

Sophie Grieve


Rowan Carew

Suborder Bursalia

Adrienne Soteriou

Subtropical Coast


In Australia, the subtropical coast of the Coral Sea extends south of the Great Barrier Reef into northern New South Wales, and includes a wide range of habitats from estuaries and bays to headlands and open beaches. The fauna living in these habitats tend to be a mixture of tropical and temperate species. For example, many animals living in Moreton Bay are also present on the southern Great Barrier Reef.