Trawling and Fishing
Eastern King Prawns are not only interesting their also tasty. Along the east coast of Australia there is a relatively large commercial prawn trawling industries. The reason for this commercial industry is because there is a high local and international demand for prawns for food(Ellis et al. 2008). These trawlers generally have a number of target species, including Eastern king prawns. as seen in the figure below;Eastern king prawns make up just under half of the commercial total catch, and are rated as the most important in terms of value(catch percentage can vary)(Montgomery 2010; Department of Industry and Investment NSW 2010). Eastern king prawns are also targeted by recreational fishers, however they are generally limited to small scale fishing.
Figure 17: Commercial prawn trawler (Image from The Department of Industry and Investment NSW 2010) |
Figure 18: Commercial prawn trawl catch data for five year period up to 2008-2009 (Image from The Department of Industry and Investment NSW 2010)