Local Distribution and Habitats
Snails of the Genus Turbo (Turban Snails) are commonly found in intertidal and shallow subtidal marine benthic zones (Grange 1976). They most commonly inhabit coral reef structures and platforms, whilst occasionally occupying rocky shore, sand and mud regions, and on the odd occasion deep water environments (Williams 2007). Such is the case for the Scaley Turban (Turbo perspeciosus) parent taxon Turbo argyrostomus, which can typically be found in the Indo Pacific ocean occupying an area ranging anywhere from and including the intertidal region all the way to three metres deep into the ocean (Kimani 1996).
Figure 1. Shallow, intertidal reef zone on the southern side of Heron Island, taken at both high tide (left) and relatively low tide (right).
The local distribution of Turban Snails, as is suggested by this literature, was supported by field observations made on Heron Island (Marine Invertebrates Field Trip 2011), where the Scaley Turban was found to inhabit the intertidal zone. This species was most commonly observed on the reef crest, however could also be found in the slightly deeper water located next to the crest, on the shore side. This species was observed all along the southern side of Heron Island where collection occurred, and while it is highly likely that the species is located in the previously discussed reef crest zone all around the island, these locations were unfortunately not studied. |