The annual cyclicity of reproduction varies among species, which makes it difficult to predict the cyclicity of
T. perspeciosus from just a few studies of closely related species. However what these studies do indicate is that the ripening of Gastropods prior to spawning is controlled largely by temperatue, resulting in species spawning in different seasons (Grange 1976). Being broadcast spawners,
T. perspeciosus release their gametes to be fertilised in the water column, and it is believed that the actual timing of this release is controlled by a precise stimulus, triggered by vigorous water movement (Grange 1976). This water movement is generally a result of on-shore winds, which affects intertidal species significantly. This is the habitat zone most commonly occupied by
T. perspeciosus, providing further support that a similar reproductive cycle occurs in this species. Once fertilisation occurs within the plankton, gametogenesis appears to be continuous (Joll 1980).