Systematics or Phylogenetics
Gastrolepidia clavigera belongs to the Family Polynidae. The following figure shows the evolution of the species.
Phylogenetic relationships among the Annelida according to Rouse & Fauchald (1997). The shown tree has been used by the authors to discuss character distribution. It is one of three trees that result from successive weighting of a reduced, a priorily weighted data set. Autapomorphies of selected taxa are: 1 Mixonephridia, nuchal organs as pits or grooves, parapodia. 2 Parapodia with similar rami, two or more pairs of of pygidial cirri. 3 Peristomium limited to lips, palps. 4 Peristomial and grooved palps. 5 Prostomial and (sensory) palps, lateral and medial prostomial antennae, dorsal cirriform cirri, ventral cirri, one pair of pygidial cirri, nephridia and coelomoducts in most segments, acicula. 6 Paired peristomial palps, anterior nephridia and posterior gonoducts, nuchal organs form posterior projections. 7 heart body, absence of chaetae and appendages in the first segment, gular membrane. 8 dorsal branchiae in the first segments, buccal tentacles, coiled gut. 9 limited fusion of prostomium and peristomium, peristomium not limited to lips any longer. |