Thuridilla can easily recognized with their bright colouration (Marshall 1999; Jensen 1992; Guido Cimino 1998). T. bayeri, especially, have a blue spotted along the parapodia running longitudinally form the anterior to the posterior end (Marshall 1999). The bodyare mainly with a dark background and white or cream strips. Under bright light photography, the species can be green possibly due to the diet derived chloroplasts, which embedded in the digestive gland tubules (Jensen 1992).
The rhinophores of the species are long with a blunt end (Marshall 1999; Jensen 1992; Gosliner 1995). The white and/or orange band may be presence at the tips of the rhinophores. In some occasion the blue spot may be lacking, however, all intergrades are possible. T. bayeri parapodia cover the body completely and meet along the dorsal midline (Marshall 1999). The inner edge of the parapodia may be brightly orange in colour as well as the anterior margin of the body.