Biogeographical Distribution
Thuridilla bayeri can be found in the warm tropical Indo-Pacificic Ocean including the Guam, Maldive, Indonesia, Papau New Guinea, Fiji, Marshall Islands and the Australia (Marshall 1999). The norhern limit of the distribution is at Hong Kong. On the other hand, a colour morph, synonymous species (Thuridilla ratna), can be found also be found in Guam, Marshall Islands, Australia, and Indonesia (Marshall 1999). However, T. ratna also occur in Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Madagascar. T.gracilis, a synonym form, is seldom found in Japan (Jenson 2006).
Thuridilla bayeri distribution map modified from Google Earth satellite map (18 Oct 2011). Distribution of T. bayeri (yellow block), and T. ratna (red block) indicate that the species prefer to live in warm water of the Indo-Pacific Ocean.