H. leucospilota is a frequent and abundant species, which can be found on the sandy bottom in tropical waters up to three meters in depth (Conand & Mangion 2002). It is predominately found on inshore, coral reef ecosystems and lives amongst boulders and coral rubble, which provide a canopy, as well as protection from possible predators (Dzeroski & Drumm). H. leucospilota are even more likely to be found under coral heads whilst undergoing the process of fission, as during this time they are more susceptible to predation (Conand, Morel & Mussard 1997). The majority of this species can be found in the Indo-Pacific region. Locally, H. lecuospilota can be found on the Great Barrier Reef and can be found in abundance on the reef flats around Heron Island, where the majority of observations on this species were done.
For more specific information on distribution see:
Local Distriubtion and Habitats. Biogeographical Distribution. Micro-habitats and Associations
Image 2. H. leucospilota is abundant around Heron Island, which is a coral cay, located in the tropical waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.